My oldest just turned fifteen, so excuse me for being a little nostalgic. How is it possible that my new-mom days seem like just last week—but at the same time they feel like a lifetime ago? Time is funny that way.
Looking back to my early days of motherhood, I remember distinctly that, like all very young moms, I was overwhelmed.
I was overwhelmed by the diapers and the feedings and the lack of sleep. But even more, I was overwhelmed by the incredibly high calling that was thrust upon me as my child entered the world.
I was utterly in love with my little bundle, and I was frighteningly aware that the stakes had never been higher. I was awestruck and dumbfounded at the reality that I now bore responsibility for another soul.
Her spiritual journey would irrevocably involve me. And while the choice to follow or not follow my Jesus would always be hers, the responsibility to point her in the right direction would always be mine.
My firstborn has been joined by five other children, and experience has taught me that pointing them to Jesus doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, the simpler and more natural, the better. Here are some of my favorite ways to do just that.
20 Easy Habits to Create a Christ-Centered Home
- Point out what God has made as you take a walk (God made nature) or give a bath (God made our bodies and all their parts).
- Play Christian music.
- Thank God for a new day each morning, and acknowledge that He is in charge of your day.
- Include personal devotions in each child’s morning routine.
- Ask God for specific things together.
- Then thank God when He answers.
- Marvel with them that God created them for a special purpose.
- When you do something for them, relate it to the biblical concept of service (1 Peter 4:10; Galatians 6:10)
- Ask them how they can follow Jesus’ example (John 13:1-17) and serve one of their siblings.
- Talk to God before meals.
- Post Scripture in your home. Here’s one we’d like to share as a little gift to get you started. Just click, download, print, and enjoy!
- At lunchtime, use Operation World to pray for one country to experience the glory of God.
- When they disobey, remind them that they’re ultimately disobeying God (Ephesians 6:1). Help them pray to ask God for His forgiveness and thank Him for His grace.
- Tell them they are one of God’s very greatest gifts to you.
- Praise them for displaying a biblical character trait such as wisdom or a quality of the fruit of the spirit.
- Listen to a Scripture passage while you’re out and about.
- Remind them that God loves them.
- When you sin against them, confess it and ask for their forgiveness.
- When they sin, call it sin and point to the truth that all have sinned (Romans 3:23); that sin warrants death (Romans 6:23); but that God gives us eternal life instead because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
- Before bed, tell God “thank you” for His protection and provision throughout the day.
What would you add to this list? What are your favorite simple ways to point your kids to Jesus?
Thank you so much. I love Christ with a my heart but life seems to always win. This list will definitely put myself and my family on our way to a better relationship with Christ. Thank you so much
We have teens in the home. So sweet to consider ways we can build one another up.
Thank you for this!