Economics for Everybody is a new video curriculum produced by Compass Classroom in conjunction with Ligonier Ministries. The materials are taught by Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr., and presented in a fun and captivating way. Dr. Sproul is an engaging and knowledgeable instructor. He is particularly suited to teach this series given his teaching background and his knowledge base in the Bible, different worldviews, and economics.
Why we like Compass Cinema
Luke and I have had the opportunity to use a number of products put out by Compass Classroom and have come to expect high caliber products from this company. Compass Cinema produced a Latin course from which my son and I have learned a lot and have greatly enjoyed called Visual Latin (if you’re considering a Latin curriculum, you should check out my review of this resource). Luke used the film Seek Social Justice as a supplement in teaching his Sunday school class and also plans to use their series Modern Parables this coming Fall. Needless to say, we have both been impressed by the quality of materials put out by Compass Cinema and were excited to be given the opportunity to preview their newest project.
The Curriculum
The curriculum is comprised of a study guide with 12 chapters and corresponding teaching videos. The videos are fairly short ranging in length from 14-27 minutes long.
Economics for Everybody is really more than just an economics course: its economics meshed with Biblical theology and a smattering of history thrown in for good measure. This isn’t your standard economics course. This course will teach you what the Bible says about economics and how we as Christians should view the subject. The series covers a variety of topics including: stewardship, the impact of sin on trade, work and wealth, the free market system, entrepreneurship, redistribution of wealth, and more!
One thing that I really like about the course is the study guide. This guide contains an expanded outline, which has additional material that is not presented during the videos. Other study guide highlights include Scripture readings, multiple choice and short answer questions, and discussion questions that would be perfect for small groups or classroom settings.
The study guide also gives recommendations for how to use this matetial with church groups, school groups, and within families. I was also delighted to see a list of suggested resources, including a number of Christian textbooks. There are suggested readings from these resources in each chapter. The study guide in itself is a very valuable resource making this a comprehensive curriculum.
Economics for Everybody would be a fantastic curriculum choice for your Junior or Senior High homeschool Christian economics class.
That looks like a great program! I would be so interested in how it would weave Biblical thought into each of those areas. Too bad my oldest is far from old enough to understand this yet =) I’ll put it on my back burner…or maybe pinterest … so I can remember it for later! Thanks for sharing this with us last week at Trivium Tuesdays!
Thanks for coming by Amy. I don’t have kids old enough for it yet either, but it was a fun program to review. I learned from watching it! Another 8 years or so and maybe I’ll have my oldest son go through it. 🙂