Let’s talk about the flu shot.
We skip the flu vaccine, but I know not everyone makes that choice. For our family the benefits simply don’t outweigh the consequences.
If you are one that has decided the best option for your family is to receive the flu vaccine, I want to give you some pointers to help reduce the damage of the vaccine. I also know there are some of you that are required to get the flu shot in order to keep your job (don’t even get me started on that!) so you may also find these tips helpful as well.
4 Tips for Those Who Choose to Get the Flu Shot
1. Stay away from Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Asprin after your flu shot.
Studies have found that the use of these pain relievers reduces the bodies ability to produce antibodies. This is the very thing you are trying to accomplish in getting a vaccine – you want your body to produce antibodies so you become immune to the virus your vaccinating against.
2. Get a thimerosal-free vaccine.
Be sure you demand a flu shot that does not have mercury. If the location you’ve gone to does not have the thimerosal (mercury)-free vaccine available, call around and find a location that does. Mercury is a very damaging heavy metal.
Another interesting tidbit to note about mercury, is if you have a MTHFR genetic mutation, your body will have a very difficult time ridding itself of even a little bit of mercury. If you have a double mutation, it will be virtually impossible. Does it sound like I’m speaking a foreign language? MTH.., what?! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, that’s OK. Just know that many, many people (some doctors estimate that over 75% of the population) have this mutation. It just makes it more difficult for your body to get rid of the mercury. So, don’t allow anyone to stick you with a needle that contains a mercury-filled vaccine. Period. End of story.
3. Detox, detox, detox!
It is so important you work to get the toxins out of your body. Do several of the following, or do all of them, get the nasties out of your body as quickly as you can! Wondering what all of the fuss is about? This post outlines the ingredients in the flu vaccine and which ones you need to be concerned about.
Detox baths, particularly detox baths with bentonite clay are a great way to begin detoxing. This post from my friend Erin at The Humbled Homemaker, has a great recipe for a detox bath.
Why bentonite clay? Bentonite clay has dual properties: it both binds and draws out. It binds to toxins and it draws them out. If you want to up the ante, use bentonite clay internally. Yes, drink the clay. I know, it sounds disgusting, but I’ve done it and it’s not bad. I can highly recommend the Detox+ that Bulk Herb Store sells (it also contains activated charcoal in the mix which is another great detox component). If you’re really too squeamish to do the Detox+ drink, you can always grab these bentonite clay capsules which I’ve also personally used.
Supplements to help with detox: Below are a list of supplements that can be added to your detox regiment.
- Chlorella is a fresh water algae and a very powerful detox tool. After having to undergo a CT scan, this is one of the strategies I used for detox. Chlorella binds to chemicals, heavy metals, and pesticides in your gut and removes them, but leaves the minerals and vitamins intact. It’s really quite fascinating! These are the chlorella pills that I used.
- N-acetyl Cysteine is an amino acid which binds and removes mercury and other metals found in vaccines from the body. It also breaks down toxic substances in liver. I’ve not ever personally used this supplement, but if I was receiving the flu vaccine, I’d definitely add it to my detox regiment.
- Vitamin C is an amazing antioxidant that we could likely all benefit from taking more of. It is fantastic for both immune support and for removing metals used in the vaccines. I would begin using vitamin C several days prior to receiving the flu vaccine and continue to take it afterwards. Be sure not to get just Vitamin C in the form of asorbic acid, but get a vitamin C with flavanoids. This is the vitamin C that I take daily and highly recommend.
Essential oils can also be beneficial in helping your body detox. Below are the essential oils that are most well known for assisting with detox. (Here are more of my essential oil articles).
- cilantro/coriander essential oil
- cinnamon essential oil
- clove essential oil
- oregano essential oil
4. Boost your Immune System!
Read the tips on 7 Steps to Avoiding the Flu Without a Shot to see how you can boost your immune system. Just because you received the flu vaccine doesn’t mean you won’t get the flu. In fact, approximately 8.4% of individuals who receive the flu vaccine whereas 8.9% of individuals who don’t receive the vaccine end up getting the flu. Unfortunately, there are thousands of strain’s of influenza and when you get the flu shot you’re only vaccinated against 3-4 of those strains.
More Immune System Articles:
- DIY Immune-Boosting Herbal Tea Recipe
- DIY Immune Bomb and 5 Immune System Supporting Recipes
- Stop the Stomach Flu: Home Remedies That Work
- Why I Don’t Buy (most) Cough Syrups from the Store (and the One that I Do)
- The Key Habit That Drastically Changed My Family’s Health
I never knew you shouldn’t take Tylenol or ibuprofen after a flu shot. I usually take something after because any time I get one, I do start to feel “fluey” for a couple of days after the injection. Thanks for sharing that.
You’re welcome!
GREAT post!! I just wrote a post weighing the pros and cons of the flu shot, but didn’t address how to detox if you choose to get it. I appreciate this and will certainly be sharing! Thanks 🙂
~ Sarah
Thank you Sarah! I’ll have to hop over and check your post out.
I felt this was an important topic particularly for those who are in a position where they are required to receive the flu vaccine or lose their job. Hopefully this can mitigate a few of the negative side effects for those individuals and other who feel it’s in their best interest to get the flu shot.
Wow!! So glad I found your article!! Thank you very much!! 🙂
You’re welcome!
Hi Trisha, I have just read all the info on detox after flu shot. My friend and I work in health care and are being forced to get the glu shot!! Both of us are dreading it and are putting it off as long as permitted before being fired!! We both eat really healthy and watch everything we put into our bodies. I am so upset about getting this shot!! She even ordered this gadget on line that sucks out venom, hoping we can suck out the vaccine!!! Thank you for all your information!!
You’re welcome! Best of luck to you!
Do you have a link to the gadget?
Hi Hilary, could you clarify which gadget you’re asking about? I’ll find a link to that for you! 🙂
I am a nurse and required to get the shot in order to keep my job. I stress about it every year. How long after the shot do you do these things you recommend? I always get sick for about 2 weeks after the shot. It is such an insult in my immune system.
How long do I do the oils and Vitamin C for to detox. Thank you
i also have to get the flu vaccine in order to keep my job…Would much appreciate a heavy metal detox…thank you for caring n sharing
I received the flu shot today, the same way as other people being forced by the employer. I’m so devastated about that because I have autoimmune issues,and I’m so concern about this now..I’m regretting that I did that. I’m taking chlorella and spirulina for long time. Do you think that Zolite will be helpful too. I need some help please.
I am now forced to get a flu shot. What can I take to get it out of my body.
Good question. I know there are some things I’ve read about that are great for detox. There are certain herbs like cilantro that are fantastic for detox and activated charcoal and benonite clay are also great for detox (though I’m not sure if they’re good at removing the toxins from the flu shot). Something else I’ve read that people have done is requested the nasal spray. They line their nasal cavities with Vasaline or some other type of natural oil and then go to the bathroom and blow their nose out right after the spray is given. How well that works, I’m not sure. But, it would seem that it would certainly inhibit the absorption.
This is a great question and one that I’ve received from several people. I’ll try to do some more research so I can report back on my finding before flu shot season is in full force!
Does the Nasal Flu Vaccine have thermisol?
No, the single-vial doses and the nasal flu vaccines don’t have thimerosal. The thimerosal is used as a preservative in the multiple-dose vials.
I always get a flu shot and IDK if its cuz I’m older now (40) but wow it kicked my butt this time! I got one yesterday and today my face aches, my ear a bit, my body in general & I have a headache. Never felt like this before in all the years I’ve gotten them. I just took some Alieve right before I read this article to help with the headache at least! Dang it! I don’t think I’ll be getting a flu shot in the future after this experience.
Sorry to hear of the side effect’s you’re experiencing from the flu shot 🙁 Hope it passes quickly!
Thanks for the helpful advice! I’m being forced by my employer to get the flu shot for the past 6 years and each time I become ill afterwards. Anytime I mention this to anyone they laugh it off, or become indignant and say the shot isn’t what made me sick. So, it’s that time of year again…I feel defeated at this point but your suggestions were encouraging and I’ll be trying some of them! Do you think Apple Cider Vinegar would help with the detox? Since the mercury isn’t going through the digestive system, but straight into the blood…what would help in detoxifying the blood?
Many Thanks!!
I’m so sorry to hear you’re in the place where you’re being forced by your employer to get the vaccine, but I know SO many are. I’d definitely demand the thimerosal-free vaccine. That alone will help. I would also pay special attention to the “detox” section in this post – Vitamin C is amazing at detox. If you can get IV vitamin C even better. And N-acetyl Cysteine and bentonite clay would be ones I’d use as well.
Oh boy! I got the flu shot on Thursday. My daughter goes to a therapy infused school and she and others there are high risk. The school offered a free flu clinic. I got the shot because of her and other kids I’m around. I took Tylenol that day because of other things I had going on. Furthermore, I have MTHFR, but don’t know if it’s double (tested before as much was known about it – really want to learn my specific mutation). No idea whether the shots had Mercury. I guess I could ask the school nurse. I suspect I have a double mutation – my youngest was born with Spina Bifida (though I’d been taking folic acid for years), I don’t process vitamins correctly at all, have suffered from chronic fatigue my entire adult life, and have difficulty detoxing. I really need to do more research.
hi, love your info on detoxing after flu shot. I am also being forced by my job to get the flu shot. I use the bentonite clay and the other supplements you mentioned. I am wondering if giving blood within an hour or two of getting the shot would help remove it from the body. any info on this?
That is a very good question, but unfortunately I don’t have any good research I can point to you on that.
can you ingest this clay while pregnant? I am required to get the flu shot for work and I just found out I am pregnant. They say I’m high risk now because I am pregnant and should even more need the flu shot:{ I don’t have the option to say no I don’t want it …. can I detox with the clay internally and do a foot soak ?
Thank you for this article! My teenage daughter is required to get a flu shot to enter the nursing program and I’m so annoyed. I’ll follow these recommendations
How can I detox 18 month old baby after flu shot? Any advice on detoxing children? I would really appreciate your input! Thanks so much!
How long before you know the shot is out of your system after detoxing all above mentioned?
Are these safe to do while pregnant?
I’m a nursing student and required to get the flu shot for clinicals, I am trying my hardest to come up with a way to get out of it, the first time I took it my blood felt thick and body felt heavy. I couldn’t move my arm the way I wanted, it felt numb and tingly for four days. Do you know of anything that cleanse the blood or lymphatic system?