Hands-down, one of the questions I get asked the most is: how do you get your husband on board with essential oils?
Now, I admittedly have a very supportive husband. I was the skeptical one. And when I finally got to the point where I was ready to dive in, he trusted my judgement that these little bottles of oily goodness were worth the investment.
But I get it: if you’re reading this article, your husband may not be on board with your desire to try or buy essential oils.
Learn more about my favorite essential oils in this post.
4 Steps to Helping Your Husband Understand Your Love of Essential Oils
1. Educate yourself…and him about essential oils.
Does your husband think essential oils are a bunch of wack-a-doo voodoo? Then it’s time to pull out the research.
While essential oils may not seem mainstream, they are gaining more and more mainstream attention. Nurses, doctors, and other healthcare providers are beginning to see their value and recommending them to their patients. Hospitals and laboratories are beginning research protocols with essential oils.
For instance, Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Emergency Room recently put doTERRA essential oils to the test. They found that prior to use of essential oils, 41% of ER staff reported being under stress, whereas after implementing the use of essential oils, only 3% reported feeling stressed. There was also a huge reduction in feelings of being overwhelmed with 25% of staff feeling overwhelmed prior to the use of essential oils and only 2% after.
(This was the kind of information that really impressed my husband the more I shared with him.)
If you’re interested in gathering more information on the efficacy of oils to present to your hubby (and medical journals don’t scare you), be sure to check out the aromatic science website where they provide a long list of articles and studies that have been done with essential oils. These studies have been published in peer reviewed journals.
2. Share stories of how essential oils have had an impact.
My husband loves to know when I’ve been helped by something. I think most husband’s like to see their wives happy and healthy.
Share with your husband how specific essential oils have helped you. Give him details.
If you’ve not had the opportunity to use oils yourself, share stories with him of how oils have made an impact on your mom, your dad, your best friend, or your neighbor.
3. Show him how essential oils fit in the budget…and can save you money.
Many men are initially resistant to essential oils because they aren’t sure they work, and all they can see is lots of dollar signs—a money pit! So you need to show your husband, how essential oils can actually save your family money.
While it does cost money to get started with oils, be sure you consider how they can actually save you money And be sure to discuss this with your husband. Money talks.
If one of your kids gets an earache and you have to run them to the doctor, how much is your copay? And then how much is that drug the doctor prescribes? What about the time you spent there (maybe having to take off of work), the gas money to drive there, and all those nasty germs you and your kids are now exposed to once you’re there.
But what if you were to use essential oils for that earache. I have a little roller bottle I keep around that I use if one of my kids gets an earache. I use it on them a few times a day over the course of several days and it works like magic. That roller bottle costs me about $3.00 total (that’s the bottle itself + the essential oils + the carrier oil). And that roller bottle lasts for many earaches! That’s probably less than 25¢ an earache. How’s that for savings?
You can apply this to literally anything you would use essential oils for. What about sleep? What does it cost you if you’re not sleeping well? Prescription meds? Productivity? Quality of life?
Essential oils aren’t just for helping us with all those aches and pains. They can replace all sorts of things! One of my big goals has been to decrease the toxic load of our family. We use our essential oils to replace:
- Air fresheners
- Candles
- Over the Counter Meds
- Cleaning Supplies
- and more…
Essential oils are an investment. But they’re an investment in your health and quality of life—and that’s worth a lot.
4. Help him experience the power of essential oils!
The single most effective way for people to understand the power of essential oils is to experience them. For months now, I’ve been running essential oil studies with several of my colleagues, and month after month people leave amazed at how essential oils actually help them (and without all the crazy side effects of drugs).
It stands to reason, the best way to get your husband on board is for him to have some fantastic experiences himself with essential oils. Think about ways essential oils could bless him.
- Diffuse some wild orange and peppermint in the living room. When he comes home and comments on how great the house smells, let him know you’ve replaced your candles or air freshener with essential oils.
- Does he struggle with muscle or joint aches and pains. Ask him if you can try some Deep Blue Rub on the painful areas.
- Maybe he has a hard time falling asleep at night. Try diffusing Serenity restful blend next to your bed.
- Is he feeling stuffy? Ask him if you could try applying some Breathe Respiratory blend on his chest to help.
Do you have a husband who has been resistant to using essential oils? How did you get him on board?
Interested in essential oils? Let’s talk! Click here to learn more about essential oils and how to find good-quality ones for your family.
My husband complains that any oil I diffuse burns his eyes. Not just the “hot” but any of them. Anyone else have this problem?
I got my husband on the band wagon by using the “sinus buster combo” in the diffuser one night while he was stuffy. He woke up breathing easier and has been hooked ever since. He is constantly making sure the diffusers are on and full.