With Valentine's Day right around the corner you might be attempting to make vibrant gluten-free play-dough colors in red, pink, and purple. And you'll probably discover just how hard these colors can be to create without them looking like washed-out pink and grey. I have a secret for you. It's super easy to create vibrant gluten-free play-dough. And you can make it by recycling a common household item. Not only is it insanely easy, but it works every time! The trick is crayons! Yes, in addition to your gel food coloring, add crayons for vibrant gluten-free play dough. And if you're anything like me, you have ...Read More
50 Ways to Show Kindness to Your Neighbor This Valentine’s Day
The week of Valentine's Day is Random Acts of Kindness Week. Because our culture associates Valentine's Day with love, it affords us a perfect time to show kindness to our neighbors. As Christians, we believe followers of Christ should lead the way in showing kindness. Scripture tells us to put on kindness (Colossians 3:12) because one of the chief marks of Christian love is kindness (1 Corinthians 13:4). Better yet, our random acts of kindness can serve as an arrow to the gospel. God's kindness is meant to lead people to repentance (Romans 2:4). Showing kindness allows us to talk about the One who has ...Read More
Paleo, Slow-Cooker Cabbage Rolls
If you're looking for good-old fashioned down-home comfort food, cabbage rolls are a classic. It really isn't that hard to remake the classic version into Paleo, Slow-Cooker Cabbage Rolls. This makes the cabbage rolls both healthy, and easy for the busy mom to throw in the slow-cooker. Traditional vs. Paleo Cabbage Rolls What's different between these cabbage rolls and the ones my mom made growing up? Not much! Rice has been substituted for riced cauliflower. Instead of a heavy grain-laden meal, these cabbage rolls are packed with nourishing veggies—tomatoes, cabbage, and cauliflower. Instead of sauteing your ...Read More
Teach Your Kids to Cook Real Food!
At 12 weeks pregnant, I've been dealing with hyperemesis (severe all-day sickness) for 6 weeks now. And if the pattern of my other pregnancies continues, it will continue until the bitter end. It's no fun. Meal time is especially no fun. It's an especially strange state of being when you're simultaneously hungry and thirsty as well as nauseated and completely repulsed by food. It doesn't make cooking a very grand experience. I'm thankful for a husband who helps out in the kitchen and my oldest son who is excited to learn to cook and put some of his new-found talents to the test. Teaching My Sons to Cook My son ...Read More
Easy, Cheesy Vegetable Chowder
One sure-fire way I've found to get my kids to eat more veggies is to add cheese. Cheese and vegetables. Vegetables and cheese. This easy, cheesy vegetable chowder recipe is no exception! Packed with vegetables, this chowder nourishes the body and makes the taste-buds happy. It's a win-win for moms and kiddos. I've included directions for our favorite version of this recipe, but you can certainly swap out the vegetables for others that are your family's favorites. About the Chicken Broth While you can just buy a box of the pre-made broth from the store, I'd urge you to consider making your own bone broth (I ...Read More
5 Reasons I’m (Finally) Choosing an Essential Oil Brand (+ a Huge EO Giveaway!)
What brand of essential oils do you use? That innocent-sounding question has become incredibly divisive in recent years. Many essential oil "wars" have begun with that one question. But I don't like conflict. I like everyone to get along. While there are some brands I've used more than others, I've stayed pretty brand-neutral—both in personal purchases and the brands I promote to my readers. But after doing a lot more research, I knew a change was needed. I wanted to be able to point my readers in a specific direction when it came to essential oils. I wanted to partner with a company that makes high quality ...Read More
3 Strategies for Biblical Sex Education at Home
Recently we did a survey among our readers about their experiences teaching about sex at home. The results were eye-opening. The #1 fear or anxiety our readers have about talking to kids about sex is saying "too much too soon." I sympathize with this fear. In our modern age, we've become hyper-aware of sexual dysfunction in our society. Many of us come from sexually broken pasts ourselves. Moreover, we live in an age where parenting is always in the spotlight. Never before have there been so many widely published and conflicting opinions about how best to raise our kids. For a lot of parents, in the ...Read More
Hearty Potato, Ham, and Pumpkin Soup
This hearty potato, ham, and pumpkin soup is the perfect cozy comfort food for fall and winter. Pumpkin lovers will love a new way to eat more pumpkin, too! As the season changes from Autumn to Winter, a few things are certain... We spend our Friday evenings cheering our sons as they play basketball. The days get shorter and the nights get longer. The chill in the air becomes more pronounced. Soup graces our table and warms our bellies. Love soup? Make sure you check out our other delicious soup recipes! I once thought pumpkin was just for pies and other desserts. But in recent years, I've learned it makes a ...Read More