Nothing says "tea time" like a good scone—well, except for maybe tea. I typically enjoy scones, but finding a good gluten-free recipe that does justice to this traditional Scottish baked good is hard to come by. Bonus: this one has chocolate chips. For more information on gluten free living check out our Everything Gluten Free resource page. Funny thing about scones... First, no one really knows where we get the word "scone" from. Some think it's derived from a Dutch word schoonbroot which means "beautiful bread" or "fine bread," or maybe the Middle Low German word schö̂ne, meaning "fine flour bread." Or ...Read More
Homemade Lemon & Lavender Laundry Soap
I first began dabbling in making homemade laundry soap to save money. We were on a tight budget—anything I could do to save a few pennies here or there helped give us a little more wiggle room. And making my own homemade laundry soap was definitely an easy way I could save money. The lemon & lavender laundry soap also smells absolutely divine! But the more I began to learn about what was actually in most laundry soap, the more I realized we needed to make changes. Fighting Lyme disease, I knew my body didn't need to also contend with all those toxins rubbing on my body through the day. And I certainly didn't ...Read More
How to Use Copaiba Essential Oil
I could tell, even over the phone, Marie was beaming ear to ear. I'd been working with her to help her find an oil to help her ease the chronic pain she'd experienced for the last 10 years. We'd finally landed on a combo that was working wonders. And one of the game-changers was copaiba. She'd also found some other uses for copaiba and couldn't wait to tell me about the success she was having. More on that soon... If you've been wondering how to use copaiba essential oil — you've come to the right place. You'll learn why it's become one of the oils I use pretty much every day (and an oil I frequently reach for to use ...Read More
101 Healthy Gluten-Free Desserts
When my family decided to change to a gluten-free lifestyle, we knew we need to come up with gluten-free alternatives to every meal we were accustomed to eating, including gluten-free desserts. Not that we wanted to sink into the trap of boxed meals and mixes that had "gluten-free" written on the side—on the contrary, we wanted to focus on whole-food ingredients. But we also wanted to be able to have delicious sweet treats from time to time. PS: Looking for more gluten-free recipes, tips, and tricks? Look no further than our Everything Gluten Free page! So, next time you're looking for a healthy gluten-free ...Read More
5 Super Easy Things You Can Do to Transform Your Diet
Over the years, probably the one of the biggest concerns I've heard from our readers sounds something like this: "I want to make healthy changes, but there's so much information out there. How do I know where to start? Information overload often leaves me scratching my head, and then I just don't start anything." Here's the key: just do something. I've never made a massive overhaul to my diet. I've made healthy changes slowly over time—one step at a time. Below are some of the changes I made to my diet early on—again, not all at once, but bit by bit. Why these things? One of the things I always recommend to ...Read More
The Complete Gluten-Free Grains List
When our whole family started to move towards a gluten-free diet, the first few months were the hardest. I didn't know what I was doing. Didn't someone just have a gluten-free grains list? A cheat-sheet to help me get started? And more than that... some days I just wanted was a stinkin' doughnut. (And being completely honest, there are still days driving by the doughnut shop the familiar smell calls my name like some kind of wicked pied piper tune.) Today, cravings for gluten-filled foods have subsided and I've come to really enjoy my current diet. Plus, I love knowing I'm doing what is best for our health. Are ...Read More
Best Essential Oils for Dry Skin
We live in Michigan. The winter months here drag on and on...and on. They also tend to be brutally cold. The dry indoor air from the furnace running all the time paired with the biting cold outdoors, is a disastrous combo for our skin. Lucky for me, I've got the best essential oils for dry skin on my side! So do you just deal with it and wait for spring? I think not! Instead of suffering from dull, itchy dry skin this winter, check out these 7 essential oils that can help your skin feel more supple and refreshed. You'll be ready to face the day with these essential oils, no matter how cold it is. 7 Essential ...Read More
What Are Your Cravings Telling You?
What are your cravings telling you? I feel like a piece of chocolate. Oh, doesn't that movie popcorn smell heavenly! I'll eat that last cupcake. . .we don't want it to go to waste now, do we. What do you crave? Krispy Creme Donuts? A thick slice of bread and butter? What foods trigger the munchies? Peanuts? Chewy candy? The crunch of potato chips? We joke about the cravings of pregnant women, but are you the average Joe - or Josephine - with food cravings all the time? What are your cravings telling you? Maybe your cravings are telling you that you have a bad habit of late night snacking. Or your body ...Read More