Here is the ultimate list of resources for memorizing science facts. Whether you're trying to teach your children facts about animals, plants, human anatomy, astronomy, geological features, chemistry, or physics, finding good memory tools can help your kids establish a good foundation. Below are some of the best and most used science fact memory tools available. The Ultimate List Of Resources For Memorizing Science Facts Lyrical Life Science - These are memory songs for life science facts using traditional tunes, including general science, mammals, and the human body (recommended by Veritas Press). Lyrical ...Read More
The Ultimate List of Language Arts Memory Tools
Language mastery is one of the great goals of classical education, and in the early years, as parents we are helping them to lay down foundational principles that will help them for life. Below is the ultimate list of language arts memory tools to help you in this task. Included are tools for learning phonics, spelling, and grammar. In addition, there are a series of books with poems specifically for memorization. Language development is significantly enriched by exposure to good poetry. General Language Arts Memory Tools Audio Memos - This app for iOS devices is free. Recite anything you want your child ...Read More
The Ultimate List of History and Geography Memory Tools
Memorization is an important part of learning for children. I put together this ultimate list of history and geography memory tools to help both you and your kids figure out the best way to learn more about history and geography in your homeschool setting. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana "War is God's way of teaching Americans geography." - Ambrose Bierce The Christian study of geography and history is about understanding the world God has sovereignly decreed. What major events have moved human history from one era to the next? How are the peoples of the world divided ...Read More
Homeschooling Twins: 1st Grade Curriculum Guide
Freelance writer Tricia Marrapodi once said that being a twin is like being born with a best friend. And it's true. I get a front row seat to that reality every day as I play both teacher and parent to my twin boys. But just as sure as my twins are best friends, they also know how to get on each other's nerves better than anyone else. This makes homeschooling a real challenge, at times. The success of our homeschool day is often determined by how well I'm able to steer their energies away from competing with each other and towards helping them work together to learn something new. This past school year was the ...Read More
How to Improve Handwriting: a homeschooler’s guide
Improving handwriting is no small task for the sloppy writer. To this day, I wish we had done more with our oldest son to improve his handwriting when he was younger. My second-born kiddo really takes pride in his penmanship; my youngest are still learning. But my oldest makes pencil strokes on the paper like Zorro carving initials into his defeated foes. But I've learned through trial and error—and some research—some tips on how to improve handwriting if your child is struggling to write legibly. Handwriting skills are a very important developmental task for kids. Improving handwriting is an important aspect ...Read More
Not Just for Kids! Make Your Zoo Trip Fun and Educational (free printables)
Probably one of the cheapest—and best—investments we ever made was our family pass to the local zoo. It's a small zoo, but since it's an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), we also have free access to hundreds of other zoos, aquariums, safaris, and nature centers all over the country. There was one year we traveled to probably 9 or 10 zoos in different states—some on multiple occasions—over the course of a year! Can we just pause for a moment and appreciate how incredible it is that we can even go to zoos? In ancient times, precursors to modern zoos could be found in Egypt, Assyria, ...Read More
Summer Stargazing for Families! – A Fun, Free 8-Week Course
I think we counted about 52 of them—and that was just in the first hour. (At least that's the number I remember. We probably lost count after a while.) My son and I laid in reclining lawn chairs looking up at the dark night sky because it was the night of the annual Perseids meteor shower—possibly the best meteor shower of the year. It was a warm August night. We smelled of citronella and peppermint bug spray. And I think he thought it was cool to be able to stay up late with Dad, chatting about movies, superheroes, LEGOs, and whatever else came into his 8-year-old brain. At one point he wanted to know what ...Read More
Engaging our Kids Senses with All About Reading
Teaching kids to read can be challenging—at least for impatient folks like me. And trying to engage my kids on my own in any meaningful way when it comes to reading? Forget about it! That's why we've enjoyed using All About Reading. I'm a guy who used to have a 9-to-5 cubicle job where I got to go be among other adults and have adult-like, intelligent, coffee-sipping conversations. Now, I work from home, and I spend most of my mornings in charge of teaching my twin boys (currently age 7). Conversation is enjoyable, but far from intelligent or adult-like. The coffee-sipping is kept to a minimum—there have been way too ...Read More