The first time I heard about "kefir," I thought someone was talking about the actor who played on the TV show 24. (Turns out, its a totally different spelling and has no relation to the drink I'm writing about now.) As I learned more, I found out it is not only delicious, but nutrition-packed drink that's super easy to make myself. What is Kefir? Kefir is a probiotic drink that is made using kefir grains—which are not really "grains," but a combination of yeast and bacteria in a symbiotic relationship. Sounds yummy, right? Stay with me! Two Types Making and maintaining kefir is quite easy. The grains can be ...Read More
Homeschooling with Legos
Legos are possibly the most known toy in the world. Every kid seems to have them and they provide hours of creative entertainment. It just makes sense to take advantage of them as learning tools! Homeschooling with Legos is a not only a wonderful marriage of learning and fun, it is also very easy to do. What Kids Learn by Building with Legos Building blocks are an obvious win for open-ended toys in your home. Open-ended toys are those that spark imagination and can be used in so many more ways than the average modern toy. That creative energy and imagination are part of the reason why Legos are so loved! Kids ...Read More
Gardening: 10 Things You Need to Do This Winter
It’s time to get some gardening done! You read that right. Even in the middle of winter. This is actually a great time to do gardening tasks without all the crazy rush of spring. Why not get a head start on an amazing garden in the coming year by working on these 10 important gardening tasks for the winter. 10 Important Gardening Tasks for the Winter 1. Plan Your Garden Space The cold winter months make for great planning sessions as you cozy up next to the fire. Take this opportunity to map out your gardening spaces and decide what to plant in the coming year. Consider planning a front yard garden, filling up ...Read More
Can you Alleviate Snoring with Essential Oils?
If you sleep with someone who is snoring, well, you’re probably not sleeping much. Whether it’s from a recent cold or a chronic problem, snoring can really disrupt sleep quality for the person snoring as well as those around them. Snoring is caused when airways are obstructed due to any of several factors, including: Nasal congestion Sinus infection Allergies Deviated septum Nasal polyps Deep sleep Poor muscle tone in throat Being overweight Large palate Some of these issues are ones you’ll want to make lifestyle changes for and/or consult a doctor. We probably all know someone who ...Read More
Easy {DIY} Aromatherapy Shower Tablets
I have recently started making and using these easy DIY aromatherapy shower tablets in our home. Fall is here and winter is coming! There will be cider and holidays, snuggles by the fire and more. As the weather turns, our outdoor activities become mostly indoor excursions, and you know what that means? Yep, cold and flu season is here. Queue the tissues, rice socks, herbal teas, and natural remedies! This time of year, we have several roller bottles and a high quality diffuser working full time in our home, as well as go-to oils for supporting the immune system. Lately, in addition to our Immune Bomb recipe, I've ...Read More
Is Your Hand Sanitizer Safe?
Fall is just around the corner, and you know what that means, right? It means we’ll all be scrambling to stay healthy. At least, those of us with kids will be. As the cooler weather rolls in, you will find one particular cold and flu season staple on every store shelf, in every van, and in every mom’s purse: hand sanitizer. We’re a hand sanitizer family. Now, don’t get me wrong. Our first line of defense is a healthy immune system and our second is washing washing washing those hands with soap and water. Especially before we eat. And please stop picking your nose. However, we've had bottles of hand sanitizer in ...Read More
DIY Non-Toxic Hand Cleanser
It’s time to run errands: don't forget the hand cleanser! You load the kids up in the van as you tell them all about the things you will accomplish that afternoon: grocery store, library, post office, and ice cream if there is time. “Yay! Thanks Mom!" You all go about your merry way and get everything done. Just before the ice cream is served, you think back on the germ-laden errand run and hit each kids’ hands with the hand sanitizer. If you're like me, you totter just between the Nervous Nelly with her giant bottle of hand sanitizer in tow, and the Easy-going Ella who figures, hey, let’s build their immune ...Read More
{DIY} Non-Toxic Sunburn Care
Preventing sunburn and sun damage is very important. When you are overexposed to the sun, having non-toxic sunburn care can make a huge difference! Excessive sun exposure causes long-lasting skin damage and can lead to cancer. There are many ways we can prevent harmful rays from harming our skin and our children's skin, from using a non-toxic DIY sunscreen, to wearing sun-blocking clothing, and more. However, most of us will eventually get a sunburn, and so will our kids. What should you do when the deed has been done and it's time to take care of a sunburn? Your primary goals will be relieving red and inflamed ...Read More