"Mom, can you check out these TV shows and see if I can watch them?" Music to this mama's ears. After a bit of research, I approved two of the programs and disapproved the others, primarily because the shows were known to depict teens disrespecting adult authority figures. It was my disapproval that led to her next questions: "Why can't I watch them? I know other kids who watch them. And besides, why does it really matter? It's not like I'll start being rude and disrespectful just because of what I'm watching." Now, in the face of such a response (offered, ironically, in a barely-still-respectful tone), I ...Read More
Back to School Essentials: Using Essential Oils in Your School Routine
Join us for a free webinar on Thursday, September 22nd at 9PM EST to learn more about how to use essential oils in your school routine. Prepare your kids for a great day of school whether at home, in public, or private school! ...Read More
59 Fun and Educational Field Trips
One of the things I most looked forward to when we began homeschooling was taking educational field trips. I could literally plan a field trip (or two) every week and be happy. However, I know that we do need to actually accomplish school work aside from field trips. I mean...looking at historical handwriting doesn't exactly teach you how to write, ya know? Nevertheless, I have compiled a list of fun and educational field trips that can be added to any homeschool. While I would love to take field trips every week, its simply not possible with our family schedule. So, I try to plan big field trips that will coincide ...Read More
Grain-Free Maple Apple Cobbler
This Grain-Free Maple Apple Cobbler is the perfect treat, whether you enjoy it for breakfast, dinner, or dessert! Looking for gluten-free recipes and resources? This Everything Gluten Free page is a library of everything gluten free we’ve worked on. Dessert for breakfast. As I've mentioned before, I have a slight sweet tooth. Though you'd never know it by how much I eat donuts, truffles, or those amazing chocolate marshmallows. But as much as I enjoy sweet things, I love to keep them as healthy as possible! That way I don't have to feel guilty indulging in them as often as I do. And even though desserts are ...Read More
5 Reasons We Love Jonathan Park Audio Adventures
The day the first set of Jonathan Park CDs arrived in the mail, our older boys anxiously brought them to their room and began to listen that night. They fell in love with them immediately. I grew up listening to Christian audio dramas like Adventures in Odyssey—which still appeals to our kids—so when I heard about the audio adventures of Jonathan Park, I thought our kids might enjoy them. These CDs did not disappoint. About Jonathan Park Jonathan Park began as a radio project of the Institution for Creation Research as a way to introduce children to how science reveals God's creative mind and power. In fact, the ...Read More
What We Wish Our Parents Would Have Taught Us About Sex as Teens
The young boy sat in his room filled with embarrassment. His mom recently found “evidence” of masturbation while doing the laundry, and she told him his father would talk to him more when he came home from work. Dad quietly knocked on the door, and upon entering, handed his son a small book about “becoming a man.” All he said was, “Your mother thought you should read this.” He quickly turned and left the room. That was the extent of “the talk” this boy got during his young teenage years. Sadly, that may be more than a lot of kids got from their parents. Among the thousands of Christian adults I’ve spoken to, I’ve met ...Read More
Why We Won’t Ban Our Kids from Using Facebook
I have a 12-year-old son. He's on the cusp of being old enough to begin engaging in social media and setting up accounts on services like Facebook (legally kids need to be 13 prior to creating an account of Facebook). While I've read copious articles and arguments from Christian parents who plan to prohibit their kids from using Facebook, I don't see too many Christian parents advocating that their kids should use Facebook and other social networks. Let me me be the voice in the void. I won't ban my kids from Facebook. In fact, I want my kids to be involved in social media. Wipe the flabbergasted look off your ...Read More
How to Plan Your Own Unit Study
Is your child really interested in a particular topic, but you can’t find a curriculum that covers it at the level that you would like? Or at all? One of the beautiful things about homeschooling is that you have the opportunity to customize your child’s education. This includes exploring topics that aren’t normally explored or exploring them in a different way. However, it can be challenging, especially if you are new to home education, to branch out into developing your own unit studies. Hopefully this article will help to make the process a bit easier for you to navigate. Step 1: Decide on a Topic You might ...Read More