Summer is the perfect time for potlucks and picnics. And coleslaw has long been an American favorite dish for those special occasions. This Creamy Parmesan Coleslaw is an easy, real food version sure to be a crowd pleaser. Looking for gluten-free recipes and resources? This Everything Gluten Free page is a library of everything gluten free we’ve worked on. Before we delve into the deliciousness of this recipe, I have a confession to make: I don't like coleslaw. I've been to my fair share of potlucks and plenty of picnics and family reunions full of favorites like cornbread, BBQ chicken, apple pie, and lemonade, but ...Read More
Dear Mom, don’t buy the lie. You are not enough.
You are enough. This syrupy-sweet statement haunts me. When my son innocently inquires for umpteenth time, "Mama, when you get rid of Lyme disease and feel better, do you think we can..." I feel like an errant mother not able to keep up with my kids. Not able to participate in so much of life that I want to because of my physical limitations and illness. You are enough. This statement condescendingly mocks me. I get frustrated with kids who don't obey and send them to the other room, or I put them in front of the TV instead of correcting them and dealing with the matters of their hearts. I don't ...Read More
“But why?” Answering Your Kids’ Questions With Scripture
Ah, the three-letter-word that's music to every parent's ears: "Why?" (It's three letters if you're lucky. Oftentimes, it's more like ten: "Whyyyyyyyy?") So how can you respond without losing your temper or your sanity - or both? The answer is likely found in one of the three D's: Dominate I'm in favor of the occasional "because I said so." I don't say it often (and I don't recommend that you do, either), because I want my kids to know that I have good reasons for what I say. The boundaries and expectations I have in place aren't arbitrary, and my reasons can stand up to their questioning. But on ...Read More
Using Astronomy to Make Science Fun Again
Some kids love science. Other kids hate it. Other kids like the idea of science but don't actually like doing anything scientific. And then for homeschooling parents, teaching science might be your greatest joy—or it might be the subject you avoid the most. Since ancient times, one of the seven classical "liberal arts" of education was astronomy. Sadly, today the study of the sky is a lost art. Students are often unaware of why the sky moves overhead the way it does. Students aren't often taught about the motions of the sun, moon, and stars, even though these motions impact all the rhythms of our daily and yearly ...Read More
Allergen-Friendly Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry
This Allergen-Friendly Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry is a easy, healthy, and delicious meal that the whole family will love. A few years ago, my son asked for broccoli for his birthday. True story. I'm not sure why broccoli gets such a bad rap, because my family loves broccoli. It works great in stir frys, quiches, soup, roasted (try it with coconut oil, seriously!) and steamed with lots of yummy Kerrygold butter. What's better? Broccoli is not just delicious, but it's packed with lots of great vitamins too! Hopefully (since you've landed on a recipe post featuring broccoli), you already like broccoli and I don't ...Read More
Tales of a Gluten-Free Traveler: 3 Types of “Gluten-Free” Restaurants
My whole family jumped on the gluten-free bandwagon a couple years ago. Other than coming up with good around-the-house snack ideas for the kids (and parents), and other than the first few months when we were dealing with doughnut withdrawal, its been a pretty easy transition. Except for traveling. Eating out in general has its challenges, but in your own town, you find your dependable standbys. On the road, however, you don't know what you're going to find. Looking for more gluten-free resources? This Everything Gluten Free page is a library of everything gluten free we’ve worked on. We should dispel the ...Read More
What Do Jesus and the Planet Venus Have in Common? Biblical Astronomy for Homeschoolers
Did you know that for homeschooling purposes or just as a nerdy parent, you can teach your kids Biblical astronomy? Probably one of the nerdiest things I do is search for NASA images online. I can get lost in them. I marvel a human ingenuity—the ability hurl a jet-propelled computer into space to send us back meaningful information. I marvel even more at the God who created all these things billions of miles away from us. I sat in wonder a couple weeks ago as the first images of Pluto came to us via the New Horizons space probe. For the first time in human history, we now know things about this icy dwarf planet we ...Read More
What kind of parent are you: problem-solver or solution-trainer?
"Mom, I'm tired of Julianne coming into my room and messing with my stuff. Tired of it!" my oldest daughter, Michaela, complained to me about her little sister recently. How would you respond in this situation? A.) "Julianne! Stop messing with things that don't belong to you!" B.) "Michaela, stop tattling. I don't want to hear it." C.) "Oh, I know how frustrating that must be! What do you think you're going to do about it?" I tend to respond with option A or option B, depending on my mood (which is a pretty lousy rudder by which to steer this parenting ship). And it turns out there's a major drawback ...Read More