Dear Overwhelmed Homeschool Mom,
As a homeschool graduate and now mom, I understand how challenging the road you’ve chosen can be. There are all kinds of external pressures for your kids to perform—peers, friends & family, and in some states, standardized tests. Will your children be ready for college? Will they have all the skills they need to flourish “in the real world?” Are you doing enough?
The school year has just started for most, and with it comes a sense of excitement. New textbooks, a new year, a fresh start. I fondly remember leafing through the pages of my new textbooks to see all I would be learning during the year. It is just plain fun!
That excitement soon wanes as we attempt to get into a routine. The new school year loses its luster as the kids encounter concepts that are hard. Tears may be shed, hope may seem to fade. Is it really worth it?
When You Feel Overwhelmed — Remember Joy
Remember, dear mama, that your life is not a snapshot. You don’t just live in the difficulty of today. Stop for a moment. Can you recall the joys of yesterday? That time when your child struggled and struggled to understand a math concept – and then something just clicked? Your reluctant reader was ready to give up on the whole process from the frustration of it, and then, with that one book, he took off?
For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing before you, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12
These instances of joy remind us how rewarding it is to push through the difficult and overwhelming times. Can I recommend something?
Find a place to record those “ah ha!” breakthroughs. Every time there is some mark of progress, write it down. Why? Because we all get wrapped up in the challenge of now and overlook the blessings of the past. When you’re discouraged, instead of watching friends on Facebook who seem to have it all together, return to your joy journal. Refresh your memory regarding how far you’ve come (even if you still have a long way to go). Pause and reflect on the goodness of God.
I’m praying for you, mama. I don’t know all your circumstances, but I’m praying.
Fellow Mom in the Trenches
Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house, that You have brought me this far?
1 Chronicles 17:16
Kayla supports her husband (the aviation major) on the home front and attempt to keep up with their 16 month old (the bundle of energy) while learning what “homemaking” is all about. She enjoys laughing, reading, memorizing Scripture, and blogging. You can find the details of their journey at Renown and Crowned or interact via Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you. I needed to hear this today.
Thank you for a great post about the ultimate rewards of homeschooling. Those clicks as children finally understand and absorb what they are learning are what make teaching so rewarding.