As many of you know, I was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease. The combination of my symptoms and, at times, the crazy side effects of some of the drugs I’m taking means I spend a lot of time in bed. A lot. Some days (the days I take the crazy meds) I sleep 16-17 hours—but the fatigue is never ending.
Both in the months leading up to my diagnosis and since that time, my husband has picked up the slack around the house. He rises early to pray so he can be ready when the kids get up to make breakfast and get them ready for school.
He works a full day and comes home from work and hits the ground running. He usually ends up cleaning up several little-kid messes, dealing with a sink full of dirty dishes, sometimes making dinner, then cleaning up from dinner. He tries to spend time quality time with the boys, wrestling, playing games, or enlisting their help in chores.
Needless to say, my hubby is pretty exhausted at the end the day—and his willingness to help around the home is such a Godsend.
He is a pretty great dad. No, scratch that. He’s a great dad and an awesome husband.
This month for Father’s Day, I told him I wanted to treat him to something relaxing, something that let’s him know I appreciate him and all he has been doing for me and the kids.
The Perfect Relaxing Gift – “MELT: Massage for Couples”
I’ve talked about MELT in the past, but I want to mention it again because of the Father’s Day Sale they have going on right now.
At first when I heard about MELT massage course, I was somewhat skeptical about how user-friendly it would be. Like a lot of couples, we give and receive the occasional back-rub in the bedroom, but we didn’t follow any professional techniques.
Since we first saw the MELT instructional videos, we have a new sense of confidence about giving each other massages. We love the course for a lot of reasons:
- Denis Merkas, the instructor, makes it really easy. As a professional massage therapist with 15 years experience, he certainly knows his stuff. He’s now taught over 9,000 couples this couples massage material. Most importantly, he knows how to communicate to the audience through simple demonstrations and instructions.
- He shows you how to use your hands properly so they don’t get too tired too quickly.
- The videos are short clips, showing how you can give a quality massage in 5, 15, or 30 minute routines.
- The video course is top-notch professional, from the production quality to the lesson formats.
- We can watch the videos on any device we want—laptop, iPad, TV—anything that can access the Internet.
- Denis’ lucky massage subject in the videos is his wife Emma. The routine they show in the video is something they have practiced and refined in their own relationship for years which they eventually turned into a live massage-for-couples class. I was initially concerned the videos were going to be too racy, but Luke and I were pleasantly surprised at how they balanced the obvious intimacy of a couples massage with a clean, professional presentation. No awkward moments. No nudity.
My plan is to make this a date night. With all the slack he picks up around here, I want us to simply slow down, connect with each other, and relax. This course is perfect for that.
Get All 3 Video Series
Denis has put together 3 series of videos for the MELT course. Each series of technique videos ends with a follow-along massage routine, which is my favorite part of them. Rather than second-guessing if I’m doing the techniques correctly, I just hit play and follow along while Denis talks me through the whole massage. (Best of all, my hands don’t hurt when I’m done because of the techniques he teaches.)
- The Basic Series – This series more or less lays the foundation of how to give a good massage, correcting some of the most common massage mistakes. There are several short videos showing different techniques, and then there’s a 5-minute follow-along massage routine at the end.
- The Highlights Series – My husband gets knots in his back, so this series is perfect for working those sore areas. This series shows how to massage specific places in the neck, shoulders, lower back, arms, and head. There’s a 15-minute massage routine at the end.
- The Deep Tissue Series – This is the more advanced series that I’ve not looked at very closely because I’m still practicing the basic material, but I’m looking forward to getting to this. Denis teaches some deep tissue techniques and then ends it with a 30-minute follow-along massage routine.
Visit MELT: Message for Couples to get the videos now. As Denis and Emma say, “Every relationship deserves a little massage.” That includes hard-working dads.
Oh, massages are so wonderful! Thanks for the tip about this series. It sounds marvelous! I hope you feel better soon!
Great gift idea! When I was pregnant my husband watched YouTube videos for giving me preggo massages. He never quite mastered it, but I was grateful he tried!