I recently spent a lot of time researching how to naturally treat acid reflux.
I’ve lost count of the number of times my head has shot off the pillow in the middle of the night with that nauseating, burning sensation in the back of my throat. The scorching feeling in my chest, the bitter taste of stomach acid splashing up into my esophagus—it’s another bout of acid reflux.
My acid reflux was so frequent I eventually developed scar tissue in my throat—technically called esophageal stricture—which made it painful and difficult to swallow or even talk.
Special thanks to Maty’s Healthy Products for sponsoring this article. As a reminder, while I am compensated for writing this article, I never promote anything I don’t personally use.
Naturally Treat Acid Reflux: The Big Reason Drugs Aren’t Helping
For a lot of people, drugs seem to do the trick—or, at least they alleviate the symptoms for a while.
For me, it was the opposite. My doctor recommended I try one of the leading over-the-counter heartburn medications, but it only made the problem worse. I mean really bad—the worst acid reflux I’d ever experienced.
Acid reflux medications are big business in America. Billions are spent each year on both prescription and non-prescription antacids. This is because GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is the most common digestive disorder in the U.S.
The problem is acid reflux medications merely mask the symptoms of the problem; they don’t address underlying causes.
And what is the underlying cause? Many people believe it is too much stomach acid—after all, that’s what the antacid commercials on TV show us, right? But it’s actually the opposite: the primary cause is low stomach acid.
This might sound silly to anyone whose ever experience acid reflux: I mean, isn’t it stomach acid in my throat causing the burning? Yes, it is. But the reason the acid is there is most often not because there is too much of it in your stomach.
An editorial published in the journal Gastroenterology stated:
Treating gastroesophageal reflux disease with profound acid inhibition will never be ideal because acid secretion is not the primary underlying defect.
By taking medication that reduces stomach acid, we mask the symptoms while making the underlying cause even worse over time.
The Big Reason We Have Acid Reflux
Doctors generally agree more serious cases of acid reflux is caused by intra-abdominal pressure (IAP). In other words, stomach bloating pushes acid and other contents through the lower esophageal valve (LES) into the esophagus.
Some factors that cause this are:
- Overeating
- Obesity
- Lying down after eating
- Eating spicy or fatty foods
But, while these are contributing factors, the primary cause is too little stomach acid, which results in an overgrowth of bacteria and also causes carbohydrates to not be digested properly. When these factors are present, you are more likely to have gas, which causes IAP, which causes heartburn.
So, if antacids aren’t the answer, what is the answer?
I’m going to list 5 ways to naturally treat acid reflux below, ranked from easiest to hardest (least life-changing to most life-changing).
Please note, I’m sharing steps I’ve taken and have worked for me. I am not a doctor and this should not be considered medical advice.
5 Ways to Naturally Treat Acid Reflux
Step 1: Get Rid of Medications
Obviously, it should go without saying that you should talk to your doctor if he/she has prescribed heartburn medication for you, but your doctor might not be aware of how medications could be contributing to the problem—and potentially contributing to other problems.
If your doctor asks you why you think this, tell him/her about the research done by Drs. Jonathan Wright and Lane Leonard in their book Why Stomach Acid is Good for You.
Tell your doctor you are concerned that, over time, use of heartburn medication that reduce stomach acid could result in…
- Increased overgrowth of harmful bacteria in your digestive system (which in turn not only leads to more acid reflux but a host of other potential problems)
- Difficulty absorbing nutrients
- Being vulnerable to more infections like salmonella, campylobacter, cholera, pneumonia, typhoid, tuberculosis, and dysentery.
Step 2: Avoid Liquid During Meals
This is a fairly easy step to naturally treat acid reflux that has been a major help to me personally. Drinking liquid—especially water—during a meal will dilute stomach acid and overfill your stomach.
Obviously, drinking water is good for you, so when you do it, make sure it is at least a half hour before eating a meal.
Drinking a little wine at dinner may help promote digestion, but too much can also weaken the the lower esophageal valve (LES), so avoid too much wine as well.
Step 3: Avoid Eating Right Before Lying Down
I’m a big fan of late-night snacks—actually they look more like a second dinner in bed.
The problem with this is when we lie down after a meal, gravity is no longer helping to keep stomach acid where it belongs: in our stomach.
It’s important to remember, however, that changing this habit in your life might mean less nights of acid reflux, but it does not mean you are treating the overall problem in your digestive system.
Step 4: Use Digestive Enzymes and Probiotic Foods
One of the biggest helps for overcoming acid reflux for me has been supplementing my diet with digestive enzymes and probiotic foods.
I now take digestive enzymes at the start of my evening meals to naturally treat acid reflux. The brand I use is Doctor’s Best, and it includes HCl (hydrochloric acid, i.e. stomach acid) with pepsin along with gentian root (a bitter herb used to promote digestion). For some people, one pill at the start of a meal does the trick. I take three. You know you’re taking too much if you have a burning sensation in your throat.
While bacterial overgrowth is a major part of the problem, a proper balance of “good bacteria” in your gut is a major part of the solution. This is why it is important to add foods to your diet that are rich in probiotics:
- Yogurt and kefir – While dairy products can be high in carbs (and therefore not helpful for those with GERD) a small amount of these can be helpful. Drink water kefir to skip the dairy altogether.
- Naturally fermented sauerkraut – It’s important to find the raw, fermented kind of sauerkraut. You can make your own, but we’ve not been very successful at this. We buy Bubbies or Saverne brands.
- Kombucha – This is a certain kind of fermented tea. I’ve not tried this personally, but it is rich in probiotics.
In addition, I also make sure to drink a decent amount of bone broth every week. This helps restore a healthy stomach lining. Since we have started buying local grass-fed meats, we always make sure to ask for the bones. After making “bone broth cubes,” it’s easy for me to pour hot water over them to make a delicious drink. (And if you are like my wife and hate the idea of drinking bone broth, there are lots of creative ways she uses to get it down).
Step 5: Go on a Low-Carb Diet
Since carbohydrates contribute to bacterial overgrowth, a low-carb diet can help to get acid reflux under control (as shown by a couple of studies done by Dr. William Yancey at Duke University).
Very low carbohydrate (VLC) diets are unnecessary longterm for most people, so once the VLC diet has done the trick, going back to a moderate-carb diet can usually keep the problem in check.
Others might use a specific carbohydrate diet (SCD) or a GAPS diet which gets rid of longer chain carbohydrates (disaccharides and polysacharides) and keeping short chain carbohydrates (monosacharides). This basically means getting rid of all grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables, but keeping fruits and certain non-starchy root vegetables (winter squash, rutabaga, turnips, celery root, etc.).
A Natural Remedy for When Acid Reflux Hits
Despite all my efforts to reduce acid reflux, there are times I break my own rules. Yes, I know midnight snacks are bad, but they are fun. There are times I eat things that cause more gas and bloating, often against my better judgment.
This is why I like to keep a natural remedy for acid reflux symptoms on hand around the house. I use Maty’s All Natural Acid Indigestion Relief. Here’s why I love it…
- It tastes great and it’s incredibly soothing. The last thing I want to pour down my throat right after experiencing intense reflux is something extremely sour or acidic-tasting. But Maty’s is very calming and sweet because it contains buckwheat honey which soothes the esophagus.
- It contains ingredients that aid in digestion like apple cider vinegar (a tried and true home remedy for reflux symptoms) which balances acid production in the stomach and aids in the breakdown of fats you might have eaten. It also contains ginger and cloves, which improve digestion.
- It contains turmeric, which not only promotes digestion but also eases stomach pains, inhibits enzymes that cause inflammation, and can help to heal peptic ulcers.
- It is food-allergy friendly, containing no wheat, soy, corn, dairy, artificial preservatives, color additives, or sweeteners.
- I can add it to this tea that helps combat acid reflex for an extra boost of relief!
Best of all, I can buy it at my local grocery store.
Naturally Treat Acid Reflux: Take Charge of Your Digestive Health
So there you have it: 5 ways to prevent acid reflux and a great product to keep on hand for when you experience it—without the use of drugs. If the above suggestions don’t seem to help, consult a knowledgable physician to look for other causes of your heartburn.
Take charge of your digestive health, and don’t let the drug companies tell you what is best for your body.
Is there anything you’ve tried that’s helped with your acid reflux? What are some more ways to naturally treat acid reflux?
More Health Resources:
- Treating Acid Reflux with Simple Diet Changes
- Soothing Herbal Tea for Heartburn Relief
- The Long-Term Risks of Taking Heartburn Medication
- When Chronic Gastrointestinal Issues Effect Everyday Life
When I feel my acid reflux acting up I take a swig of pickle juice straight from the jar. It really helps me out!
I’ve used apple cider vinegar the same way.
hi I also have gerd. but I ddnt felt any burning sensation. I wish to have that kind of feeling. because when my gerd triggerd. I cant breath and need to take a inhaler. did you feel the same way? thank you
I drink lemon water, either hot in the morning or in cool water in the afternoon. I know people who have added diluted apple cider vinegar with the same results, but I cannot handle that taste.
I agree with you. Lemon can actually help alkalize the body which would make it a great remedy for acid reflux.
I drink lemon water, either hot in the morning or in cool water in the afternoon.
Some great tips here! Thanks for sharing and I can’t wait to try them.
This is fascinating and helpful! Thanks so much! Our January diet clean-up is going to include sauerkraut and less carbs! Thanks for the suggestion.
My youngest son has GERD, and he does really well with apple cider vinegar. He also has a strict diet that keeps him away from certain known trigger foods. So far, that has kept him off medication. Thanks for sharing your ideas. We are always looking for new thoughts.
I’ve used apple cider vinegar many times, and it had really helped.
Thanks for sharing on Let’s Get Real. I will be featuring this post on this week’s Let’s Get Real. Hope you join us again tomorrow.
How long AFTER a meal should you wait to drink water?
We usually aim to wait at least 30 minutes after a meal before drinking.
Thanks for the great tips. I tried to find Maty’s Acid Indigestion Relief but no luck, even on Amazon! I’ll order directly form Maty’s.
That’s probably the best place if your local stores don’t carry it.
This is a fantastic article. Thanks for sharing!
Rubbing peppermint essential oil on your chest is the best remedy I have ever found. It is instant relief.
I took otc medication like Prilosec for about 16 years. I have severe reflux that makes me vomit. I finally had enough and switched out the Prilosec for Mastic Gum, a natural tree resin that I can buy from Amazon. I recommend Jarrow brand. I also did several of the things you’ve listed. I figured out that Tomato sauce and drinking milk will bring the reflux back. I’ve been off Prilosec for about 7 months and not had any issues.
Using mint leaves really helped me in my acid reflex.
Aloe Vera juice at Walmart. Is what I use works every time for acid reflex
What kind of aloe vera juice do you use and how much do you drink? Thanks
same here i also use aloe Vera juice and works for me too. ny brand will do. but it’s usually Korean or japanese brand. 😊
I appreciated the point that drinking water during a meal will dilute stomach acid. I have had a history of some acid reflux and so I am trying different ways to naturally treat it. I appreciate the tips in this article and the newfound knowledge I have gained that I will try in the future!
I’m not sure why this works (maybe the oil in peanuts?) but it has worked 100% of the time when I have acid reflux. If I’ve ate something for supper that can give me reflux, I just chew about 1/4 cup of roasted peanuts at bedtime that have sea salt on them or lightly salted; both work. I’m not sure about other varieties. One-fourth cup seems to be just right for me. It’s important to chew really well before swallowing each time. The peanuts need to be chewed until it is like paste or like peanut butter. It gives immediate relief that lasts all night. I only use as needed; no need to eat peanuts every night. It’s been working for the last 20 years.