Becoming More Like Christ: The Key to Godly Parenting
Lesson 2: Finding Our Significance in God
Often the reason we react in fear, anger, or anxiety around our kids is because of the idols of our own heart. As we learned in the last lesson, we have worshipped our way into sin (through the worship of created things that are not God), so we must worship our way out (through the […]
Lesson 3: Leaning on God as Our Supreme Lord
One of the major areas of idolatry in our hearts is when we place too much focus on our own supremacy or authority as parents. When our kids directly or indirectly deny our authority, it then become way too easy to take their disobedience personally. When idols of supremacy rule our hearts, we aren’t free […]
Lesson 4: Finding Our Security in God
Often the real reason we are so impatient, irritable, unforgiving, harsh, and anxious in the act of parenting is because we often have hidden idols of the heart: there is something more important to us than God. We have worshipped our way into sin (through the worship of created things that are not God), so we must […]