In this introductory lesson we talk about the 5 stages of sexual development. In addition we talk about how the Bible views this stage of life we call puberty and an appropriate Biblical attitude we should have towards our pre-teens.
Having the Talk: Changes (For Parents)
Having the Talk: Changes is a sex education video series for parents. Luke and Trisha Gilkerson walk parents through a biblical perspective on puberty, covering a wide variety of topics parents should cover with their kids. The course is based on their book, Changes: 7 Biblical Lessons to Make Sense of Puberty. Luke and Trisha also address frequently asked questions children might have as they are learning this material.
The training material in these videos is specifically for parents of children 8-12 years old, but this is only a general guideline.
Lesson 2: The Birds and the Bees
In this lesson we address the importance of sex education in general when it comes to teaching kids about the divine purpose for puberty.
Lesson 3: Facing Puberty with Confidence
In this lesson we discuss some of the biggest struggles kids face as they go through puberty: feelings of embarrassment and insecurity. We talk about how parents can instill in their kids a godly confidence in who they are.
Lesson 4: Emotional Turbulence
In this lesson we talk about the mental and emotion change (mood swings) that puberty brings and how to approach these with patience and wisdom.
Lesson 5: Changes Girls Can Expect
In this lesson we talk about the internal and external changes that happen to girls during puberty, walking you through stage by stage.
Lesson 6: Changes Boys Can Expect
In this lesson we talk about the internal and external changes that boys face during puberty, walking you thought them step by step.
Lesson 7: The Power of Attraction
In this lesson we talk about the goodness and power of physical attraction and how to approach this topic from a biblical perspective.
Lesson 8: The Power of Lust
In this lesson we talk about the power lust can have in the hearts of our kids as they go through their pre-teen and teenage years.
Changes Bonus Lesson: Abortion
In this bonus lesson we address the cultural issue of abortion and how to equip our kids to talk compassionately and intelligently on the subject.
Changes Bonus Lesson: Homosexuality and Transgenderism
In this bonus lesson we touch on two hot topics in our culture: homosexuality and transgenderism. The goal of this lesson is to equip you to talk with your kids about these topics from a biblical perspective.
Changes Bonus Lesson: Pornography
In this bonus lesson we talk about the pervasive issue of pornography, how parents can guard the hearts and minds of their children, and how to prepare their children to deal with pornography when it is seen.
Changes Bonus Lesson: Premarital Sex
In this bonus lesson we talk about premarital sex and cohabitation, offering parents a look at how to discuss these matters biblically.
Changes Outtakes
Filming these lessons together doesn’t always go as planned. Hope you enjoy our ridiculousness as much as we do.