Cultivating the Mind: Growing Spiritually as a Family
Lesson 2: 3 Methods for Family Devotions
When it comes to doing family devotions, there are many approaches, but they all come down to two central activities: spending time discussing God’s Word, the Bible, and spending time in prayer to God. This two-way communication—God speaking to us through His Word and us speaking back to God in prayer—is the heart of family […]
Lesson 3: Resources for Family Devotions
In our last lesson we talked about three broad approaches to family devotions: The Catechesis Approach The Narrative Approach The Wisdom Approach Below are resources to use for family devotions categorized by approach. These are some of our favorite books from publishers and authors we trust. If you know of any resources you think we […]
Lesson 4: The P.R.A.Y.E.R. Method
Welcome back, everyone! Over the last few lessons we’ve been focusing on the first half of family devotions: learning from God through the Bible. In this lesson we tackle a subject that is sure to enrich your family devotions—well, if you apply it, anyway. It’s the subject of prayer. We’ve all heard how children pray. […]
Lesson 5: Bible Memory
In the first, second, and third lessons we talked about learning from God through the Bible, and in the last lesson we talked about speaking back to God in prayer. But family devotions is a great time to tack on another habit as a family: the habit of Bible memory. Bible memory is one of those routines that […]
Lesson 6: Resources for Bible Memory
As we talked about in the last lesson, Bible memory is a wonderful discipline for our children to get into. And it’s never been easier to start. There are so many resources available to help. Bible Memory Music Ultimate List of Bible Memory Songs – We’ve compiled this free directory to pinpoint CD’s or downloadable […]