In this introductory lesson we address the most pressing question we get from parents: what’s sexual topics are appropriate for what ages? We talk about the wisdom of talking to kids earlier, rather than later, about sexuality.
Having the Talk (For Groups)
Having the Talk is a video series for parents. Luke and Trisha Gilkerson walk parents through each of the concepts presented in their book, The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. They also address frequently asked questions children might have as they are learning this material.
The training material in these videos is specifically for parents of children 6-10 years old, but this is only a general guideline.
Lesson 2: Created Male and Female
This lesson addresses how to talk to kids about male and female anatomy and the divine purposes behind male-female differences.
Lesson 3: Be Fruitful and Multiply
This lesson addresses one of the divine purposes for sexual intercourse—procreation—and how parents can communicate that process in a manner kids can understand.
Lesson 4: Celebrating Life
This lesson addresses how human life develops in the womb as well as exciting ways parents can bring these ideas to life for kids.
Lesson 5: The Intimacy of Sex
This lesson addresses how parents can and should communicate the importance of saving sex for marriage because of the intimacy it brings.
Lesson 6: The Theft of Love
This lesson addresses the sin of adultery and why it is mentioned in the Ten Commandments as an important aspect of God’s moral law.
Lesson 7: Sexual Abuse and Your Child
This lesson addresses the prevalence and problem of sexual abuse—especially of children—and gives parents child-friendly ways to talk about it.
Lesson 8: Your Body Belongs to the Lord
This lesson addresses the importance of honoring God with our bodies, showing how the gospel of Christ is connected to how we steward our sexuality.
Bonus Lesson: Masturbation
This short video addresses what to do when a young child is frequently masturbating.
Bonus Lesson: Pornography
This shorter video addresses how to both protect your kids from pornography and how to prepare them well for our over-sexualized culture.
Bonus Lesson: Homosexuality
This shorter video addresses how to talk to your kids about what the Bible says about homosexuality, especially in our modern context.
We had a lot of fun making these videos. This is just some of the ridiculousness.