Servant or Selfish? Ditching the Me-First Mentality and Becoming a Family That Serves (Pathfinder Parenting)
In this series of trainings you’ll learn…
- 7 keys you need to unlock a heart for service in your kids (these strategies make it easier than you think)
- How even the busiest of families can make an impact on their community—you’ll get dozens of practical ideas for how your family can get started now
- The one trick that gets even the most resistant teens excited and ready to serve!
*Bonus Resources*: Servant or Selfish?
Below are some extra resources to help you minister alongside your kids. Doing Ministry with Your Kids Along (podcast from Hal & Melanie Young) 8 Things My Entitled Kids Need to Know About Thankfulness (blog post) Selfishness: How to Motivate Your Kids to Put Others First (blog post) Christmas Kindness (printables for your kids giving them ideas about showing love […]
*7 Keys to Unlocking a Heart of Service*
Servant or Selfish? (PDF: slide presentation)
*Serving Together*: Stories from Real Families
Before we get into the nitty gritty details, often it is most helpful to hear from real families who are in the habit of serving their communities. We had an opportunity to have a roundtable discussion with others several families about the topic of families serving together. Hal & Melanie Young, authors of Raising Real […]