You only have these kids at home for a few years — are you making the most of every day?
All it takes is a birthday.
Another candle on your child’s cake.
And while she’s glowing in the candlelight, soaking up the last refrain of “Happy Birthday,” you realize…
I only have a few more years left.
Sure, they tell you, when you’re still in the diaper phase, that “The days are long, but the years are short.”
But it’s not till those years do start flying that you realize just how much every day counts.
Here’s the thing:
You only have a few short years to instill in your kids a love of family, strong character, and godly purpose… and then they’re gone.
You can’t afford to hit “cruise control” and just let life happen anymore.
This is too important.
So how will you make the most of your days?
What you need is a plan.
And it has to be a plan that won’t add more to your plate, am I right?
Something you can stick to.
Something that won’t feel like “work” but your family will actually enjoy.
The key?
Building tiny habits. Tiny routines, one step at a time, that will make the most of your family’s time together.
A Family Curriculum for Inspiring & Supporting Intentional Christian Parents
Pathfinder Parenting will help you:
- Make deep, lasting connections with your kids
- Develop character in your kids and build healthy views of authority + themselves
- Instill good habits + responsibility in daily family life
- Give your kids a Christian lens to view the world
- Teach your kids to recognize and use the gifts God has given them
- Grow not just your kids’ head knowledge about God, but a relationship with Him
When you get lifetime access to Pathfinder Parenting, you’ll learn to take advantage of the time you already have and intentionally create a family life you love.
What’s included?
1. The Family Foundations Course
Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. That’s why, we’ve created a parenting curriculum that will be delivered in tiny, bite-sized pieces to help you develop the routines & habits as a family that will help you become the intentional, God-led parent you’ve always wanted to be. And because busy parents don’t need another “to do” on your plate, we keep things short and focused, so they don’t distract from the rest of your life—they make it richer.
There are 7 units in the course and each unit has 3-6 short lessons along with a small homework assignment. But don’t let words like “lesson” and “homework” scare you! You can take all the time you’d like to work through the course, and you don’t even have to start at the beginning. Start where you feel your family needs the most help now.

Check out the topics we cover below…

Practicing Honor: The Foundation of Obedience
Training our children to not just comply, but genuinely show honor in the home—fostering in them a readiness to obey with a good attitude

Encouragement & Connection: Building Meaningful Relationships in the Home
How to be more intentional about quality time with your kids—and how connection is the key to better correction.

Emotional Control: Helping Kids Manage Big Feelings
Helping kids (and big kids) manage big emotions, tantrums, and meltdowns

Becoming More Like Christ: The Key to Godly Parenting
Unlocking God’s power to become less angry, frustrated, impatient, and irritable around our kids

Cultivating the Mind: Growing Spiritually as a Family
Ruthlessly practical methods for getting started with family devotions, prayer, and Bible memory (that won’t overwhelm you)

Learning Discernment: Raising Media-Wise Kids
It’s not just about protecting our kids from media pitfalls; it’s about preparing them to be good judges of the media they consume

Developing Independence: Everyday Habits for Every Kid
Teachings kids take initiative and learn responsibility with life skills—self-care, chores, time-management, personal devotions, and making meals
2. The Family Action Packs
We’re ready to help you take action in your family today! The Pathfinder Family Action Kit is your monthly open-and-go curriculum you can build your family around. It’s a family curriculum for inspiring and supporting intentional Christian parents.
Check out what’s inside!

Words of Wisdom: Making Proverbs Practical for Everyday Life
A monthly devotional plan that will guide you through the virtues you want to cultivate in your kids. Each month we focus on a different virtue. You can easily adapt this to your family’s unique ages and stages.

Digging Deeper: Growing in Understanding Through God's Word
A Bible reading plan to accompany the Word’s of Wisdom devotional. It keeps your family in the the Word together as you continue to grow in virtues.

Hot off the Press: Making Sense of Current Events in Light of Eternity
We give you the tools you need to tackle tough topics. These pages were developed using events that made the headlines. Including topics like human rights, abortion, transgenderism, and more. Even if your kids aren’t ready for these tough topics yet, they’ll need to develop a Christian worldview that informs their understanding of these topics… sooner than you think!

Movie Night! Raising Media Wise Kids
Thought-provoking discussion starters about a different movie each month. You’re not just entertaining your kids, but teaching them to be active consumers, developing discernment in their viewing so they grow towards responsibility and maturity.

Family Adventure Night: Setting Aside Time to make Memories Together
We give you an easy activity to incorporate into your family life each month—you can schedule it on your own calendar or just wait for the perfect spontaneous opportunity. Either way, you’ll be making memories and growing closer as a family.

Table Talk: Simple Dinner Time Discussion Starters
These simple, thought provoking dinnertime prompts will give your family rich conversation at meal times—to make connecting as a family easy every day (no matter if dinner is at home or on the road).
Want a Closer Look?
We invite you to take a peak at the first introductory video for the complete Pathfinder Parenting curriculum and download a sample month from our Family Action Kit! Check it out here.
Your Lifetime Investment
You can purchase each piece individually, or invest in the entire Pathfinder Curriculum for $197 (a $67 savings).
My main concern in enrolling was if it be worth it…
…or would it be like my weight watchers and gym membership– just donating to something I never use? Thankfully, I have been able to benefit from being a part of Pathfinder Parenting !
I appreciate that each of the trainings really dig into tough issues and look at them from a biblical perspective. I love that you can access recordings anytime because sometimes life just doesn’t allow for me to attend live.
The training you offer as part of Pathfinder Parenting has all been super practical!
And it’s so convenient that I have continued access to the trainings so I can go back and watch or re-watch them at anytime. But most of all, I love that you always bring everything back to the Bible.
I was concerned Pathfinder Parenting would be tailored just to married couples and as a single mom I’d feel excluded…
But I decided to sign up anyways because I felt lost. I needed more guidance in parenting my boys in a Biblically based way. I am so glad I did. I’m grateful for all you have offered, I don’t feel so alone as a parent anymore!
I’m a Christian mom who was looking to improve my parenting skills and add more tools to my toolbox.
Pathfinder Parenting has offered great resources and information. Parenting is hard work. The more community you have around to help you, the better!

When it’s finally time to watch your son blow out the candles on his 18th birthday, feel confident you used all the little moments you were given to shape his character.
Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalms 90:12
Sign Up for Pathfinder Parenting Now
You can purchase each piece individually, or invest in the entire Pathfinder Curriculum for $197 (a $67 savings).